Sunday, March 22, 2009

Week One

Okay, so I started this like nine gazillion years ago and never posted anything. And now, I'm finally going to do it. Starting today, March 22nd, 2009 at 10:07pm, I am going to (try to) make a post on here every Sunday featuring a list with one movie, one book, one album, and, because I am a nerd, one nerdy bit of Harry Potter related material, the former of which you should all watch/read/listen to, and the latter of which you should just enjoy. So yeah. I'm just going to post the things, and tell why they are awesome and why you should check them out. And...yeah. Enjoy this monumental moment in history.

Movie: Garden State

This is one of my favorite movies of all time, because it is, simply put, absolutely freaking brilliant. It is one of the most gorgeous coming-of-age movies of all time, and everything about it is awesome. There's some hilarious one-liners, some philosophical observations, and some tender, fluffy, make-you-wanna-bawl-your-eyes out moments. Also, it has a FANTASTIC soundtrack, with some truly awesome bands/songs on it. And, it has Zach Braff, who is a total hottie, and Natalie Portman, who is awesome in her own right, together playing the leading roles. Really, what's not to love?

Album: I'm Like a Virgin Losing a Child (Manchester Orchestra)
This is one of my favorite albums of all time, but one of my top two bands (Tegan and Sara being the other). This album is 43 minutes and 52 seconds of catchy indie/folksy rock tunes backed by some of the most gorgeously written lyrics ever and a group of some of the most talented (and youngest) musicians you'll ever meet. I saw this band in concert a year and a half ago, and I rocked out harder to this music than I have at any other metal show I've been to. Did I mention that Andy Hull, the lead singer, literally - and I do mean literally - had me in tears at the end of the show because of the pure emotion of Sleeper 1972, the last song he performed? Because he did. Seriously, this band has changed my life. Let them change yours.

Book: The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Stephen Chbosky)

Another beautiful coming-of-age story, The Perks of Being a Wallflower has been one of my favorite books since I first read it in seventh grade. It captivated me back then, and it still captivates me now. What is so great about this book is not only that it's packed full of beautiful, raw emotion that really makes you fall in love with the characters and the story, but the fact that every single one of these characters reminds you of yourself or someone you know, making them and the book just that much more relatable. Add that in to the humor, the fluffiness, and even the tragedy that'll have you fighting back tears that is all a part of this book, and you have one amazing story. This book, like Charlie, makes one feel "infinite."

Random Bit of Harry Potter Nonsense

When I found out that the movie for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was going to be delayed, I sent a very long, very angry e-mail to Warner Bros. I never heard back from them, the bastards. True story.


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