Sunday, June 28, 2009

Week Two

Okay, so I failed at updating this every week. I know it. Point is, I'm finally updating again. So be happy. (Ha, because, you know, so many people obviously read this... :P )

Enter text here.Movie: Fight Club

I cannot even begin to describe how fantastic this movie is, especially without giving away the plot. All you need to know is that awesomeness, sexiness (hello, Edward Norton and Helena Bonham Carter...and Brad Pitt, for those of you that actually find him attractive), talent, mystery, intrigue, bad assedness (yes, I just made that up), and soap abound in this movie. Definitely not one you want to miss out on. Better yet, get the ultra cool special edition one like me. It's even better. :)

Album: Our Endless Numbered Days (Iron & Wine)

So, this album is pretty much hardcore amazing. Well, as hardcore amazing as a folky, acoustic, indie sort of CD can be, anyway. Seriously, this album is absolutely fantastic. Samuel Beam has an amazing voice and fabulous music which is accompanied by beautiful lyrics. The popular Naked As We Came made it's debut on this album, as did my favorite I&W song (indeed, one of my favorite songs period), Sodom, South Georigia. This album is a gorgeous addition to any music collection, and while good year round, pairs particularly well with autumn. Give it a listen, yeah?

Book: Confessions of a Lingerie Addict (Jennifer Ashley)

This book is totally a guilty pleasure, but is totally good, too. Full of humor, fluff and sexiness, this book is your typical modern day average-girl-falls-for-hottie-who-likes-her-back-despite-his-amazing-good-looks kinda story. Cliché? You bet. Great nonetheless? Indeed.

Random Bit of Harry Potter Nonsense

There is an approximate total of 1,090,739 words in the British editions of the Harry Potter series.